Learning Objectives for the Ph.D. in Religion
- Critical Skills for the Study of Religion: Theory, Method and (Inter)Disciplinarity
Develop and apply critical toolkit to the study of religion and religious traditions, including (inter)disciplinary methodologies and theories.
- Historical, Social, and Cultural Dimensions of Religion
Understand and interpret religious traditions by examining religion(s) as historical, social, and cultural phenomena.
- Psychological, Philosophical, and Cognitive Dimensions of Religion
Understand and interpret the subjective dimensions of religion(s) through analyses that explore the psychological, philosophical, and cognitive dynamics of religion and religious experience.
- Religious Plurality/Marginal Currents
Understand and interpret religious traditions by examining the plurality of religious voices and expressions, including currents that have been marginalized, neglected, repressed, and censored in a variety of sociological, psychological, philosophical, and political ways.
- Multicultural/Transnational Currents
Understand and interpret religious traditions as multicultural and transnational in nature through attention to the impact of globalism, immigration, colonialism, and other forms of multicultural (non)religious exchange.
- Religious Literacy
Gain basic objective knowledge of the beliefs, practices, and institutional histories of the world’s religions.
- Communication: Pedagogy and Professionalism
Develop ability to effectively communicate (inter)disciplinary knowledge and critical research in the classroom, at professional conferences, and in academic publications.
- Foreign Language Skills: Primary Text Translation
Develop ability to read religious texts in their original languages and perform translations of texts where appropriate.
- Foreign Language Skills: Secondary Research Translation
Develop ability to read and understand relevant scholarly research/literature that has been published in foreign languages.