M.A. Student Learning Objectives

Critical Skills for the Study of Religion: Theory, Method and (Inter)Disciplinarity

Develop and apply a critical toolkit to the study of religion and religious traditions, including (inter)disciplinary methodologies and theories at a level of mastery.

Historical, Social, (Multi-)Cultural Dimensions of Religion

Understand and interpret religious traditions by examining religion(s) as historical, social, and cultural phenomena. When appropriate, attention is given to the impact of globalism, immigration, colonialism, and other forms of transnational and multi-cultural (non)religious exchange at a level of mastery.

Psychological, Philosophical and Cognitive Dimensions of Religion

Understand and interpret the subjective dimensions of religion(s) through analyses that explore the psychological, philosophical, and cognitive dynamics of religion and religious experience at a level of mastery..

Religious Plurality and Marginal Currents

Understand and interpret religious traditions by examining the plurality of religious voices and expressions, including currents that have been marginalized, neglected, repressed, and censored in a variety of sociological, psychological, philosophical, and political ways at a level of mastery.

Foreign Language Skills

Develop ability to read and understand relevant scholarly research/literature that has been published in foreign languages. Develop ability to read religious texts in their original languages and perform translations of texts when appropriate to the student’s course of study at a level of mastery.